Ambani interior

Anil Ambani was born on the 4th June 1959 in Bomaby when the sign of Capricorn was in the ascendant. The placement of planets in his chart reads as follows: Ketu (dragon's tail) in the third, Pisces; Moon in the fourth, Aries; the Sun and Mercury in the fifth, Taurus; Mars and Venus in the seventh, Cancer; Rahu (dragon's head) in Virgo, the fifth; Jupiter in Scorpio, the eleventh; and, Saturn in Sagittarius, the twelfth.

The lord of the ascendant, Saturn, is in the twelfth house in the sign of Sagittarius. The sign position of Saturn is excellent, even though its house position is lean; its third and full aspect on the second house of Aquarius-its own-is designed to store wealth. Ketu in the third is in its own house of Pisces, is also an excellent placement for phenomenal courage in adversity.